An element with “role=menuitem” must be contained in, or owned by, an element with “role=menubar” or “role=menu”.
Attribute “type” not allowed on element “div” at this point.
Element “div” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “role”.
Stray end tag “i”.
Stray end tag “span”.
Duplicate ID “dropdownLanguage”.
Duplicate ID “logo-item”.
Duplicate ID “logo”.
Duplicate ID “logo-claim”.
Duplicate ID “c822”.
Bad value “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_e2f4a907c2.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_e2f4a907c2.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_3445827913.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_3445827913.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_7322e2274c.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_7322e2274c.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_582b156734.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/0/b/csm_Golf_582b156734.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Element “img” is missing required attribute “src”.
Bad value “files/_processed_/1/c/csm_ganzjahresdestination_9640223372.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/1/c/csm…estination_9640223372.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/1/c/csm_ganzjahresdestination_a1e2088248.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/1/c/csm…estination_a1e2088248.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/1/c/csm_ganzjahresdestination_d91e9815cc.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/1/c/csm…estination_d91e9815cc.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/1/c/csm_ganzjahresdestination_f6d5cb0bc7.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/1/c/csm…estination_f6d5cb0bc7.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/c/4/csm_schnell_erreichbar_5cb874e639.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/c/4/csm…erreichbar_5cb874e639.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/c/4/csm_schnell_erreichbar_2dc9438e2d.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/c/4/csm…erreichbar_2dc9438e2d.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/c/4/csm_schnell_erreichbar_e99383755f.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/c/4/csm…erreichbar_e99383755f.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/c/4/csm_schnell_erreichbar_a3bc5cbab3.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/c/4/csm…erreichbar_a3bc5cbab3.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/3/6/csm_Andermatt_Winter_ASA-Winter_f156a28697.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/3/6/csm…ASA-Winter_f156a28697.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/3/6/csm_Andermatt_Winter_ASA-Winter_a01448d604.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/3/6/csm…ASA-Winter_a01448d604.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/3/6/csm_Andermatt_Winter_ASA-Winter_7c5fe11c89.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/3/6/csm…ASA-Winter_7c5fe11c89.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/3/6/csm_Andermatt_Winter_ASA-Winter_f96146b282.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/3/6/csm…ASA-Winter_f96146b282.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/2/csm_Andermatt_Drucksachen_Fassaden_Andermatt_Dorf_6351466061.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/2/csm…rmatt_Dorf_6351466061.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/2/csm_Andermatt_Drucksachen_Fassaden_Andermatt_Dorf_30e858fce7.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/2/csm…rmatt_Dorf_30e858fce7.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/2/csm_Andermatt_Drucksachen_Fassaden_Andermatt_Dorf_6f9a4ea50a.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/2/csm…rmatt_Dorf_6f9a4ea50a.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/2/csm_Andermatt_Drucksachen_Fassaden_Andermatt_Dorf_96500f69f8.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/2/csm…rmatt_Dorf_96500f69f8.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/d/csm_Nachhaltigkeit_aa499e7fb3.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/d/csm…haltigkeit_aa499e7fb3.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/d/csm_Nachhaltigkeit_8296c4a166.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/d/csm…haltigkeit_8296c4a166.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/d/csm_Nachhaltigkeit_b0c9a86adc.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/d/csm…haltigkeit_b0c9a86adc.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/d/csm_Nachhaltigkeit_d8526cf1bd.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/d/csm…haltigkeit_d8526cf1bd.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/6/csm_massgeschneiderte_immobilien_1b792db210.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/6/csm…immobilien_1b792db210.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/6/csm_massgeschneiderte_immobilien_573078a990.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/6/csm…immobilien_573078a990.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/6/csm_massgeschneiderte_immobilien_359a972e97.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/6/csm…immobilien_359a972e97.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/6/6/csm_massgeschneiderte_immobilien_d1bc62a3c3.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/6/6/csm…immobilien_d1bc62a3c3.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/1/csm_vermietungsprogramm__3__b4b27dc3bf.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/1/csm…ogramm__3__b4b27dc3bf.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/1/csm_vermietungsprogramm__3__c37bf1646c.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/1/csm…ogramm__3__c37bf1646c.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/1/csm_vermietungsprogramm__3__8306adb72d.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/1/csm…ogramm__3__8306adb72d.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Bad value “files/_processed_/8/1/csm_vermietungsprogramm__3__d79c826f32.jpg” for attribute “srcset” on element “source”: No width specified for image “files/_processed_/8/1/csm…ogramm__3__d79c826f32.jpg”. (When the “sizes” attribute is present, all image candidate strings must specify a width.)
Duplicate attribute “class”.
Attribute “webkitallowfullscreen” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point.
Attribute “mozallowfullscreen” not allowed on element “iframe” at this point.
Duplicate ID “footer-top”.
Duplicate ID “c4”.
Duplicate ID “c325”.
Duplicate ID “footer-middle”.
Duplicate ID “c326”.
Duplicate ID “footer-bottom”.
The first occurrence of ID “dropdownLanguage” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “logo-item” was here.
The “navigation” role is unnecessary for element “nav”.
The first occurrence of ID “logo” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “logo-claim” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “c822” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “footer-top” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “c4” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “c325” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “footer-middle” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “c326” was here.
The first occurrence of ID “footer-bottom” was here.